
The Seat of Sacrifice

12/03/2022 Event 11:00 ST

The Seat of Sacrifice (Extreme) – Mount Farm Reminder

Location: The Seat of Sacrifice
Event Type: Other
Date: Saturday - 12/03/2022

Saturday, March 12, 2022 – 11:00 am
Host: Soujiro Raha

We’re starting the ShB Mount Farm back up from where we left off. We’ll be going to be going through all the remainder ShB Extreme trials in order of release starting at WoL. We want a new ex trial every fortnight so if you do join for one event and get the mount, the expectation is to sign in again until everyone gets theirs too.
The event won’t last longer than 2 hours and make sure you unlocked the extreme version in time.

At the moment our group consists of 7 (+-1) permanent members.
If you are interested in participating, regardless of whether it is one-time or permanent, please contact me. All jobs available.
We’re looking forward to play and have fun with you <3

Soujiro Raha
Nimi Yllelie
Lanara Amriyo
Elora Raha
Rena Mondstein
Fina Amriyo
Gwen Ambrose
Scott Meowton

Use the guide provided below to have a general overview of the fight and lets get some dragons!