Alliance Raid 3/0


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24/10/2023 00:00 ST

Myths of the Realm, Part 3

Duty: Thaleia
Level: 90
Item Level: 630
Duty Type: Alliance Raid
Date: Tuesday - 24/10/2023

Tuesday, October 24th, 2023
Host: Fil Broils

It was out of their undying love for mankind that the Twelve constructed the monument at the heart of the Omphalos, that they might never lose sight of their purpose. To answer that love, you must sally forth into their sanctum one last time to grant them their heart’s desire. Oschon—or Deryk, as you had known him—awaits with his brethren Thaliak and Llymlaen in their heavenly domain. Brave torrential waters, weather stormy winds, and vanquish these remaining deities, and you shall finally arrive at the truth of their mysterious objective.