Thursday, January 28, 2021 14:30
Host: Soujiro Raha
We’ll be spamming FATES in order to get the memories required for the relic weapons. A full relic needs x 20 of each:
Sorrowful Memory of Dying
Harrowing Memory of Dying
Tortured Memory of Dying
The event will last 1 hour
Reward Levels Edit
There are three levels of rewards for participating in a FATE. The more a player contributes to the completion of a FATE, the player will gain a medal indicating his role. Being in a group makes it easier to get a higher level reward, due to the group contribution to the FATE. It is not necessary for the FATE to succeed to be able to earn the best reward. Often, FATE parties will form with the specific purpose of ‘grinding’ FATEs to get the seals and experience.
– Gold Medal– Highest rating. Max reward for experience, gil, and Grand Company seals. Some FATEs will reward players with a minion item.
– Silver Medal– Second highest rating. Substantial reward for experience, gil, and Grand Company seals. No minion reward.
– Bronze Medal– Third highest rating. Decent reward for experience, gil, and Grand Company seals. No minion reward.